If you have very picky eaters in your household, this is a fun way of feeding them allergy friendly meals. Muffin pan meals are fun for kids because they can enjoy small portions of a variety of foods. Also, for very picky kids that don't want all of their food mixed together in one dish, muffin pans allow for separation of different foods. Here is an example of one meal that my 4 year old enjoyed. We use stainless steel muffin pans and stainless steel utensils since they are the healthiest and most sanitary. Everything pictured above is FREE of dairy, egg, garlic, sesame. It is also peanut-free, tree-nut free, soy-free, wheat-free, low fat and healthy. To make the meal even healthier, you can substitute the lemonade for 100% fruit juice, a non-dairy beverage (my kids are fine with nuts, so they consume Almond Breeze sold in the asceptic container), or water. Also, if your child is open to eating a variety of vegetables, it would be great to add broccoli or another green leafy vegetable to the mix. You can be as creative as you like with muffin pan meals.
Pictured above from left to right:
Top Row: Brown basmati rice, red seedless grapes, Trader Joe's lemonade
Middle Row: Diced chicken (cooked with olive oil, salt and pepper), baby carrots, steamed cauliflower, stainless steel fork and spoon, napkin
Bottom Row: Annie's Naturals Organic Ketchup (This is the only garlic-free ketchup I am aware of), second helping of basmati brown rice
Sometimes we fill the open spots with a dessert for the end of the meal, or a children's multi-vitamin once a day.
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